K12 School District Technology Audits — Sun Associates

District Technology Audits and Digital LEarning Program Reviews

Sun Associates conducts digital learning/instructional technology program reviews - or audits - that assess the impact of educational innovations on teaching and learning. Based upon the findings and recommendations from these reviews, we can assist districts in creating meaningful strategic plans for the integration of digital and blended learning technologies within the learning environment. We take clients beyond their current strategic plans and into an area where they can begin to assess their progress in meeting the vision and goals of these plans.

Sun Associates has worked with districts across the country to evaluate or “audit” digital and blended learning implementation. Typically, an audit project involves three basic steps – designing evaluation/audit criteria; on-site data collection; and reporting. Our work centers around an authentic assessment process which combines practice profiling, the development of indicators of success, and the creation of data collection procedures (surveys, interviews, classroom observations, focus groups, etc.) customized to your specific district's needs and audit questions. Our evaluations provide a detailed picture of how a district is currently implementing its strategic plan to meet teaching and learning goals. Often, the results of a Sun Associates Digital Learning Program Review are used as the basis for establishing new or revised strategic goals or perhaps the creation of a new strategic plan.

A full program review/audit report will cover key areas such as teacher and student technology competency, benchmark standards, classroom practice, curriculum alignment, infrastructure capacity, and long-range capital planning issues. Reports are presented to school committees and other district stakeholder groups that impact curriculum and technology decision making.

Recent digital learning audit/evaluation project clients include:

Contact us for information on how to start an audit of your school or district's digital learning/instructional technology program.

See our resources page for additional links to tools and resources related to auditing and program evaluation.